Jul 30, 2021
Pastor Zac and Ashley sit down with Pastor Kurt for a robust
discussion on beliefs, as well as a brief look into what is
happening with "School Of The Spirit"
Topic Ideas: info@hpc.church
Jul 23, 2021
Pastor Zac and Ashley share some thoughts on being married for
13 years (anniversary is July 24th) as well as some advice for
newly-weds, oldie-weds, and all the weds in between!
Topic Ideas: info@hpc.church
Website: www.hpc.church
Jul 16, 2021
Pastor Zac and Ashley discuss why we should be equally yoked, and why it sucks when we're not.
Topic Ideas: info@hpc.church
Website: www.hpc.church
Jul 9, 2021
Pastor Zac and Ashley discuss why the only thing to fear is fear
Topic Ideas: info@hpc.church
Website: www.hpc.church