Dec 23, 2022
It's the final pod of the year!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Pastors Zac and Ashley chat about some fun stuff when they were
growing up as well as looking ahead to next year and the excitment
it will bring.
But Wait - There's More: A Christmas Bonus - Find a few hidden
tracks at the end of today's episode that are certain to...
Dec 16, 2022
Follow up to last week; with a discussion about church
ALSO- Fair warning: there's no concluing prayer this week.
I don't know why... I'm just the producer, so y'all are on your own
for that one.
Topic Ideas -
Dec 9, 2022
Pastors Zac and Ashley discuss Godly order and structure within
the family. Also; as HPC has been going through our "Vantage
Point" Sundays, Z&A discuss some of the various terms,
definitions as to what HPC is and how it is structured.
To watch replays of Sunday Sermons - visit
Dec 2, 2022
Pastors Zac and Ashley discuss traditions & experiences and how
they impact the lives of you and your family during the
Topic Ideas:
Nov 25, 2022
Warning - Details about "The Man In Red" are discussed so if
that's a thing for your family, you should probably listen with
your earbuds or whatever.
Topic Ideas and other Questions: