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Our House: A to Z

Mar 31, 2023

Pastors Zac and Ashley discuss ways to show compassion and how it can be real easy to get so consumed by compassion that you become the one needing rescue.

Info - Show Topic Ideas - Questions:


Mar 24, 2023

Regardless of the circumstances that got you there; if you have a child and you find yourself on the "dating" scene, you have even more of a story... and that's ok!

Pastors Zac and Ashley discuss important factors to keep in mind as you embark on this season of your life.

Also - Spring is here and that means a new...

Mar 17, 2023

Pastors Zac and Ashley continue rolling through topics & questions submitted during January & February.

Be sure to check and follow all our socials for upcoming opportunities to connect!

Questions and Topic Ideas: 

Mar 10, 2023

They're Back!  Pastors Zac and Ashley have returned from thier fantastic voyage (Slide, slide, slippity-slide) and are starting to tackle the list of topics that has been coming in since the start of 2023!

For Topic Suggestions OR if you have questions, simply email: